Neurosonological meeting with lectures and practical demonstration on functional TCD and TCD imaging (TCCS). The meeting aims to give an update of the most advanced techniques of brain investigations with ultrasound. Particular interest will be given to the possibility of monitoring cerebral circulation with Transcranial Doppler.
Date of the meeting September 28-29, 2007
Place of the meetingThe meeting will take place in Venice on a boat travelling through the lagoon to
the islands of Murano, Burano and Torcello.
LanguageOfficial language will be English
Number of participantsLimited to 50 participants
Fee* € 240.00 for participants
** € 120.00 for accompanying persons
* The fee includes access to the scientific sessions, boat ride to the
islands, snacks on board and guided tours to Murano, Burano and Torcello.
** The fee includes boat ride to the islands, snacks on board and guided tours
to Murano, Burano and Torcello.
Final program Friday, September 28
9.00 - 10.30
Presentation of the meeting at the Novotel in Mestre, not far from to
Marco Polo Airport
Day 1 Lectures:
Basics of Transcranial Doppler
G.Meneghetti (Padova, Italy)
Diagnostic Protocols
N. Carraro (Trieste, Italy)
TCCS in intracranial Arterial Disease
G. Malferrari (Reggio Emilia, Italy)
High Energy Signals
D. Russell (Oslo, Norway)
TCCS and Veins
E. Stolz (Giessen, Germany)
TCCS and Brain Parenchyma
U. Walter (Rostock, Germany)
Practical demonstration of TCD and TCCS systems while
reaching the Island of Murano through the Venice lagoon
Practical demonstration of TCD and TCCS systems
Visit to the Island of Murano and its famous glassware
Return to the Novotel Venezia by boat through the Venice lagoon
Conference Dinner (optional)
Saturday, September 29
Day 2 lectures:
TCD in acute stroke
M. Del Sette (Genova, Italy)
TCCS in acute stroke
C. Baracchini (Treviso, Italy)
Embolus Monitoring and PFO
G.P. Anzola (Brescia, Italy)
Intraoperative Monitoring
K. Niederkorn (Graz, Austria)
Brain death: diagnosis and pitfalls
J.M. Moltó (Alicante, Spain)
Practical demonstration of TCD and TCCS systems while
reaching the Island of Torcello through the Venice lagoon
Visit to the island of Torcello with Snack at the “Ponte del Diavolo”
Practical demonstration of TCD and TCCS systems
Travel by boat and visit to the Island of Burano and its famous lace
Practical demonstration of TCD and TCCS systems while
travelling by boat to the Novotel Venezia
Conclusion of the meeting
Farewell dinner (optional)
Tutors:G.P. Anzola, C. Baracchini, N. Carraro, M. Del Sette, G. Malferrari, G.
Meneghetti, J.M. Moltó, S. Sanguigni, V.M. Sarra, E. Stolz, U. Walter.